Recent Publications
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or my Zotero Library at
“Signifying Shade as we #RaceTogether drinking our #NewStarbucksDrink “White Privilege Americana Extra Whip”.”
“World Making or World Breaking?: A Black Womanist Perspective on Social Media Crises in Higher Education.”
COMMUNICATION EDUCATION 68, NO. 3 (JULY 3, 2019): 381–85. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1080/03634523.2019.160788
“Dear nice white ladies, A Womanist Response to Intersectional Feminism and Sexual Violence.”
WOMEN AND LANGUAGE 42, NO. 1 (SPRING 2019): 187–90. DOI:10.34036/WL.2019.022.
“Reflections on SandraBland on the 3rd Anniversary of Her Death.”
Online Roundtable on Sandra Bland, Black Perspectives, July 13, 2018,