Dr. Toniesha L. Taylor
One of my favorite quotes from author and scholar Zora Neale Hurston is, "research is formalized curiosity". I have always been curious. I love asking and answering questions. Some of the questions I'm asking are "How are Black women engaging womanist rhetoric and social justice?" "How are Digital Humanities and Afrofuturism linked?" "Do people really try to live without coffee?"
“Signifying Shade as we #RaceTogether drinking our #NewStarbucksDrink “White Privilege Americana Extra Whip”.”
In The Digital Black Atlantic, edited by Roopika Risam and Kelly Josephs.
“Social Justice.”
Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Concepts, Models, and Experiments, edited by Rebecca Frost Davis, Matthew K. Gold, Katherine D. Harris, and Jentery Sayers. Modern Language Association. https://digitalpedagogy.hcommons.org/
“We Speak, We Make, We Tinker: Afrofuturism as Applied Digital Humanities.”
In The Black Speculative Arts Movement: Afrofuturism, Art+Design, edited by Reynaldo Anderson and Clint Fluker Lexington Press.
Research Planning to Publication
Here are a couple of highlights from my YouTube Channel Enjoy the bounty of Planning with Toniesha Taylor.